About The Author
Gabriel & Kelly Shields
Their Story
Gabriel and Kelly Shields share a love for fairy tales and children’s books, and now that they are proud parents, they’ve found their lives (and shelves) filled with them. They hope to fill other family’s bookshelves with stories that feed their souls and lead them to a deeper understanding of their identity and purpose in Christ.
Gabriel & Kelly Shields
Their Story

Gabriel and Kelly Shields share a love for fairy tales and children’s books, and now that they are proud parents, they’ve found their lives (and shelves) filled with them. They hope to fill other family’s bookshelves with stories that feed their souls and lead them to a deeper understanding of their identity and purpose in Christ.
Newest Release
The Knighting of Sir Sticky Von Bear
About The Illustrator
Zemeira Walker
Her Story
Zemeira Walker has been drawing since she could wield a crayon. She holds a Bachelors of the Arts in Communications, is continuing her education abroad in Theology and the Arts, and hopes to continue a career in illustration. The majority of her published pieces are digital, but her favorite mediums are ink and watercolor which inspires her freehanded digital style. See more of her work.
Zemeira Walker
Her Story

Zemeira Walker has been drawing since she could wield a crayon. She holds a Bachelors of the Arts in Communications, is continuing her education abroad in Theology and the Arts, and hopes to continue a career in illustration. The majority of her published pieces are digital, but her favorite mediums are ink and watercolor which inspires her freehanded digital style. See more of her work.

About Narrabbit Books
Narrabbit books started as nothing more than a hidden character in a comic that Gabriel started in college. Soon, readers followed the narrabbit’s adventures all around the world as Kelly would take him on her international business trips. Although he took a little break from his travels, he’s back and ready to bring fun, whimsical, Christ-centered children’s books to families.
Media Press Kit
Press Kit Includes:
Author Bio
Book Sell Sheet
Book Excerpt & Sample Illustrations
Reader Reviews
Sample Q&A / Tip Sheet
Press Release
Our Mission
To equip future generations with the truth of Christ’s love
and redemption through literature inspired by the Word of God.
To equip future generations with the truth of Christ’s love and redemption through literature inspired by the Word of God.
Meet the Authors
Sticky Bear Book Signing | December 8, 2023
Heritage Mall • Albany, OR
Come join Kelly & Gabriel on Friday, December 8th and get an exclusive in-person signed copy of their latest children's book The Knighting of Sir Stick Von Bear as well as special released bookmarks, stickers, and more.
Sticky Bear Book Signing | December 9, 2023
Heritage Mall • Albany, OR
Just in case you can't make it Friday, come see them Saturaday December 9th and get an exclusive in-person signed copy of their latest children's book The Knighting of Sir Stick Von Bear as well as special released bookmarks, stickers, and more.
Meet the Authors
Sticky Bear Book Signing | December 8, 2023
Heritage Mall • Albany, OR
Come join Kelly & Gabriel on Friday, December 8th and get an exclusive in-person signed copy of their latest children's book The Knighting of Sir Stick Von Bear as well as special released bookmarks, stickers, and more.
Sticky Bear Book Signing | December 9, 2023
Heritage Mall • Albany, OR
Just in case you can't make it Friday, come see them Saturaday December 9th and get an exclusive in-person signed copy of their latest children's book The Knighting of Sir Stick Von Bear as well as special released bookmarks, stickers, and more.